Mereces tener una boda que sea tan especial y única como ambos, y que represente la belleza y la individualidad de vuestra relación.
Todas las relaciones son diferentes y, por lo tanto, es importante para usted comenzar la suya de una manera que refleje quiénes son ambos y qué desean para su futuro juntos.
Your relationship won't wait until you are less stressed, the kids have grwon up a bit or left home, or until you have paid off the mortgagge.
Relationships are not 'a thing' - they are a living, breathing entity that without the attention, love, safety, intimacy and warmth it needs, it won't just stagnate, it will slowly die off.
Making your relationship a priority and making sure it has what it needs to thrive and support you both, as well as your kids, doesn't need to take hours out of your day. But intentional actions and learning new skills to improve your precious relationship will not only ensure it lasts into the future, but research shows that a safe, healthy relationship supports:
1) improved financial security
2) better emotional and mental health
3) happier, more successful children
4) longevity
5) greater productivity and success at work
One area of relationships that is constantly a struggle for couples is their communication, including their ability to feel heard, understood, their ability to resolve arguments and stay feeling connected in the process.
So what's the solution?
Actually, it is less about what you argue about and so much more about how you argue and listen to each other. With the right skills, tools and frameworks of understanding, you can not only resolve more arguments, but you can stay connected and feel each other's love, even when you disagree.
How would that improve your relationship?
And it doesn't all have to require pain and suffering in the process!
Using the framework of 4 animals to describe the 4 styles of communication we all use at various times, discover how your instinctive style of communicating influences both of your reactions and responses.
Then, when you get a meaningful insight into our 4 basic communication styles, and learn to develop aspects of all the communication styles, transformation can occur.
If you are ready to bring your curiosity and sense of playfulness and fun to breaking the patterns and cycles in your arguments, my Masterclass series is for you!
Join me, Sharlene Halbert, for this fun and powerful discovery that can help you break your argument cycles - no matter what life stage or relationship stage you are in; a new couple, a couple with small children or teenagers, a couple whose kids have left home or a mature couple on their second time around!
And the good news is, you don't need to be in a really difficult place to benefit from these discoveries, skills and understandings.
Any time is a good time to understand your communication patterns and learn skills to improve the way you listen to each other.
Doing it before you get really stuck is easier but you can also learn to shift the fixed patterns that are keeping you stuck.
Wherever you are at, the perfect time is NOW!

This is a practical, fun and informative Masterclass series that will help discover your communication styles, how to develop and use those styles to benefit your communication, and learn the art of listening with practical games to practice this skill so you are prepared for those moments when tensions normally arise.
Day One: Did you know we all have 4 styles of communication that we all use at different times?
These are not personality traits but rather styles of communication that we use in different situations, that both help and hinder effective communication.
Using the metaphor of 4 different animals to describe each style, we dive into these 4 styles of communication, how to recognise them, and how to use them to communicate more effectively with deeper understanding.
It will give you a common language to use so that you can recognise which styles are at play and choose what works best (and you can use this framework for communication with your boss, friends, kids, extended family too!) Q&A to help you personalise this to your relationship

Day Two:
We look at what listening really is, what it's not, and learn games to improve your listening skills so you can become a listening Jedi! No more feeling unheard and misunderstood! Q&A to help you personalise this to your relationship
Tackle those arguments that you get stuck in as a team, and discover your communication styles, how to use them effectively and how to listen so you both feel heard and create connection, peace and growth as a couple.​
Live in love, Sharlene